Watch Another online
Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama tv show Another, created by Yukito Ayatsuji & starring Atsushi Abe, Madoka Yonezawa, Natsumi Takamori & Tomoaki Maeno on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Another
A young man named, Koichi Sakakibara, transfers to a new school where he finds himself drawn into a mystery involving a mysterious girl and a series of gruesome deaths.
Its air date is Tuesday January 10, 2012
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Its air date is Tuesday January 10, 2012
Production details
Creator | Yukito Ayatsuji |
Cast | Atsushi Abe, Madoka Yonezawa, Natsumi Takamori & Tomoaki Maeno |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Animation & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
First Air date | 2012-01-10 |
Theme | based on novel, Dark Fantasy, Dead, Eye Patch, Ghost, Horror, Hospital & Junior High School |
Runtime | 20 |
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