Watch Baptiste online
Can you stream the Crime & Drama tv show Baptiste, created by *Harry Williams *Jack Williams & starring Alec Secareanu, Anastasia Hille, Tchéky Karyo & Tom Hollander on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Baptiste
Julien Baptiste delves into the criminal underworld of the red light district and uncovers a complex web of deceit and lies.
Its air date is Sunday February 17, 2019
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Its air date is Sunday February 17, 2019
Production details
Creator | *Harry Williams *Jack Williams |
Cast | Alec Secareanu, Anastasia Hille, Tchéky Karyo & Tom Hollander |
Genre | Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
First Air date | 2019-02-17 |
Theme | Missing People |
Place setting | Netherlands |
Runtime | 55 |
Homepage | Baptiste Homepage |