Watch Master of None online

Can you stream the Comedy tv show Master of None, created by Alan Yang & Aziz Ansari & starring Aziz Ansari, Bobby Cannavale, Eric Wareheim & Lena Waithe on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Master of None

The personal and professional life of Dev, a 30-year-old actor in New York.

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Its air date is Friday November 6, 2015

Production details

Creator Alan Yang & Aziz Ansari
Cast Aziz Ansari, Bobby Cannavale, Eric Wareheim & Lena Waithe
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2015-11-06
Theme Actor, Dating & Relationships, Friendship, Indian Lead, New York, Thirty Something & Work
Place setting Italy & New York City
Location New York (state)
Music Joe Wong (musician)
Runtime 60


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