Watch Camera Café online

Can you stream the Comedy tv show Camera Café, created by Alain Kappauf & Yvan Le Bolloc'h & starring Luca Bizzarri, Paolo Bufalino, Paolo Kessisoglu & Renato Liprandi on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Camera Café

Daily life of French employees at work while taking a break near the coffee machine.

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Its air date is Monday October 6, 2003

Production details

Creator Alain Kappauf & Yvan Le Bolloc'h
Cast Luca Bizzarri, Paolo Bufalino, Paolo Kessisoglu & Renato Liprandi
Genre Comedy
Country of origin Philippines
First Air date 2003-10-06
Theme Sitcom
Runtime 10
Homepage Camera Café Homepage