Watch Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure & Drama tv show Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone, created by Илья Куликов & starring Kristina Kazinskaya, Sergey Romanovich, Valeriya Dmitrieva & Анвар Халилулаев on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone

5 youths give chase after a man who has stolen 8 million rubles from them. The man reveals on his video blog his intention to travel to Chernobyl. With every kilometer the journey of the heroes becomes more dangerous and confusing.

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Its air date is Monday October 13, 2014

Production details

Creator Илья Куликов
Cast Kristina Kazinskaya, Sergey Romanovich, Valeriya Dmitrieva & Анвар Халилулаев
Genre Action & Adventure & Drama
First Air date 2014-10-13
Runtime 48
Homepage Chernobyl: Exclusion Zone Homepage

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