Watch Danny Phantom online
Can you stream the Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Animation & Comedy tv show Danny Phantom, created by Butch Hartman & starring Colleen O'Shaughnessey, David Kaufman, Grey DeLisle & Rickey D'Shon Collins on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Danny Phantom
A 14-year-old receives ghost powers and uses them to save the world
Its air date is Saturday April 3, 2004
All streaming services
Its air date is Saturday April 3, 2004
Production details
Creator | Butch Hartman |
Cast | Colleen O'Shaughnessey, David Kaufman, Grey DeLisle & Rickey D'Shon Collins |
Genre | Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure, Animation & Comedy |
Country of origin | The United States |
First Air date | 2004-04-03 |
Theme | Bullying, Friendship, Ghost, Ghosts, Ghosts & Haunted Houses, High School & High School Love, Teen Superhero, Teen Superheroes & Teenager |
Place setting | Colorado |
Music | Guy Moon |
Runtime | 22 |
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