Watch Deadly Class online
Can you stream the Drama tv show Deadly Class, created by Anthony Russo & Joe Russo & starring Benedict Wong, Benjamin Wadsworth, Lana Condor & Liam James on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Deadly Class
A coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of late 1980s counterculture, which follows a disillusioned teen recruited into a storied high school for assassins.
Its air date is Saturday January 19, 2019
All streaming services
Its air date is Saturday January 19, 2019
Production details
Creator | Anthony Russo & Joe Russo |
Cast | Benedict Wong, Benjamin Wadsworth, Lana Condor & Liam James |
Genre | Drama |
First Air date | 2019-01-19 |
Runtime | 43 |
Homepage | Deadly Class Homepage |
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