Watch Faking It online

Can you stream the Comedy tv show Faking It, created by Dana Goodman & Julia Lea Wolov & starring Bailey De Young, Katie Stevens, Michael J. Willett & Rita Volk on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Faking It

After numerous attempts of trying to be popular two best friends decide to come out as lesbians, which launches them to instant celebrity status. Seduced by their newfound fame, Karma and Amy decide to keep up their romantic ruse.

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Its air date is Tuesday April 22, 2014

Production details

Creator Dana Goodman & Julia Lea Wolov
Cast Bailey De Young, Katie Stevens, Michael J. Willett & Rita Volk
Genre Comedy
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2014-04-22
Theme Best Friends In Love, Friendship, High School, Lesbian, Lesbian Relationship, Lesbians, LGBT, Popularity, Pretend Relationship, Teen Comedy, Teenagers & Works Intersex
Place setting Austin, Texas
Location California
Music Andrew Dost
Runtime 22
Homepage Faking It Homepage
