Watch Fate/stay night online

Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Fate/stay night, created by Yamaguchi Yuji & starring Ayako Kawasumi, Hiroshi Kamiya, Kana Ueda & Noriaki Sugiyama on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Fate/stay night

Amateur mage Shirou Emiya gets involved in a fight between mages using mythological heroes.

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Its air date is Friday January 6, 2006

Production details

Creator Yamaguchi Yuji
Cast Ayako Kawasumi, Hiroshi Kamiya, Kana Ueda & Noriaki Sugiyama
Genre Action & Adventure, Animation & Sci-Fi & Fantasy
First Air date 2006-01-06
Theme Death Games
Time setting 2004
Runtime 25
Homepage Fate/stay night Homepage

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