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Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama tv show Intelligence, created by Chris Haddock & starring Ian Tracey, John Cassini, Klea Scott & Matt Frewer on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Intelligence

Intelligence is a Vancouver-based television crime drama starring Ian Tracey and Klea Scott that aired on the CBC. With its pilot first airing on November 28, 2005, the series began regular broadcasting on October 10, 2006. CBC reaired the pilot on June 7, 2007 and began broadcasting reruns of season one on Fridays starting on June 8, 2007. A second season then aired from October 2007, concluding in December that same year. The series was produced by Haddock Entertainment, which also produced Da Vinci's Inquest and Da Vinci's City Hall. On March 7, 2008, the CBC announced that Intelligence would be cancelled. There were various rumors surrounding the cancellation of the series. Kevin Baker from The National Post alleged: "There's a theory afloat that CBC Television cancelled the unusually good drama Intelligence in fear of upsetting Canada's New Government, which is thought to be slavering for an excuse to junk the nation's public broadcaster and sell off the parts." The show centres on Jimmy Reardon, one of Vancouver's top organized crime bosses, and Mary Spalding, the director of the Vancouver Organized Crime Unit, who has offered Reardon immunity from prosecution in exchange for his role as a police informant. The show also stars Matt Frewer as Ted Altman, the scheming assistant director of the OCU who seeks to replace Spalding, and John Cassini as Ronnie Delmonico, Reardon's business partner and confidant.

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Its air date is Tuesday October 10, 2006

Production details

Creator Chris Haddock
Cast Ian Tracey, John Cassini, Klea Scott & Matt Frewer
Genre Action & Adventure, Crime & Drama
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2006-10-10
Theme Canada, Informant, Intelligence Agent & Organized Crime
Place setting Los Angeles & Virginia
Music Clinton Shorter
Runtime 60


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