Watch Meadowlands online

Can you stream the Drama tv show Meadowlands, created by Matthew Arlidge & Robert Murphy & starring David Morrissey, Felicity Jones, Lucy Cohu, Ralph Brown & Tom Hardy on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Meadowlands

A married couple and their teenage twins move to Meadowlands, a friendly and seemingly safe suburban town, to start a new life. Here, they will soon realize that secrets and mysteries are plentiful, and past is a difficult thing to bury.

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Its air date is Sunday June 17, 2007

Production details

Creator Matthew Arlidge & Robert Murphy
Cast David Morrissey, Felicity Jones, Lucy Cohu, Ralph Brown & Tom Hardy
Genre Drama
Country of origin The United States & United Kingdom
First Air date 2007-06-17
Theme Murder, Secret & Witness Protection
Place setting Kent
Runtime 60
