Watch Mia and Me online

Can you stream the Animation tv show Mia and Me, created by Gerhard Hahn & starring Laura Ruocco, Lucia Luna, Margot Nuccetelli & Tommaso Maria Neri on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Mia and Me

Plunged into a fantastic fairy tale turned real, Mia must find the strength within herself to save a race of unicorns - and an entire world.

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Its air date is Monday August 6, 2012

Production details

Creator Gerhard Hahn
Cast Laura Ruocco, Lucia Luna, Margot Nuccetelli & Tommaso Maria Neri
Genre Animation
Country of origin Canada & Italy
First Air date 2012-08-06
Theme Fantasy World, Kids & Unicorn
Music Simon Frontzek
Runtime 23
Homepage Mia and Me Homepage
