Watch Mirai Nikki online
Can you stream the Action, Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv show Mirai Nikki, created by Sakae Esuno & starring Ayame Gouriki, Kanata Hongo, Masaki Okada & Mayuko Fukuda on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Mirai Nikki
A young man competes with people around the world for a chance to become the succesor of God, with a diary that is able to tell the future.
Its air date is Saturday April 21, 2012
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No streaming sources available just yetIts air date is Saturday April 21, 2012
Production details
Creator | Sakae Esuno |
Cast | Ayame Gouriki, Kanata Hongo, Masaki Okada & Mayuko Fukuda |
Genre | Action, Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama & Sci-Fi & Fantasy |
Country of origin | Japan |
First Air date | 2012-04-21 |
Theme | Anime, Based On Manga, Death Games, God & Gods, Mental Illness, Obsession, Parallel Universes & Teenagers |
Runtime | 35 |
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