Watch Mozart in the Jungle online

Can you stream the Comedy, Drama & Musical tv show Mozart in the Jungle, created by Jason Schwartzman & Roman Coppola & starring Gael García Bernal, Hannah Dunne, Lola Kirke & Saffron Burrows on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Mozart in the Jungle

Love, money, ambition and music intertwine in Mozart in the Jungle, a half hour comedic drama that looks at finding yourself and finding love while conquering New York City. A brash new maestro Rodrigo (Gael Garcia Bernal) stirs up the New York Symphony as young oboist Hailey (Lola Kirke) hopes for her big chance.

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Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video
Its air date is Thursday February 6, 2014

Production details

Creator Jason Schwartzman & Roman Coppola
Cast Gael García Bernal, Hannah Dunne, Lola Kirke & Saffron Burrows
Genre Comedy, Drama & Musical
Country of origin The United States
First Air date 2014-02-06
Theme Artists & Musicians, Classical Music, Dating & Relationships, Heroin, Cocaine, LSD & Drugs, Mozart & Sex
Place setting New York City
Location New York (state)
Runtime 30


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