Watch The Diplomat online

Can you stream the Drama tv show The Diplomat, created by Debora Cahn & starring Ali Ahn, David Gyasi, Keri Russell & Rufus Sewell on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Diplomat

In the midst of an international crisis, Kate Wyler, a career diplomat, lands in a high-profile job for which she is not suited, with tectonic implications for her marriage and her political future.

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Its air date is Thursday April 20, 2023

Production details

Creator Debora Cahn
Cast Ali Ahn, David Gyasi, Keri Russell & Rufus Sewell
Genre Drama
First Air date 2023-04-20
Theme Ambassador, American Diplomat, Diplomat, Female Politician, London England, Politician, Politics & Usa Politics
Homepage The Diplomat Homepage
