Watch The Good Wife online

Can you stream the tv show The Good Wife, created by * & starring Kika Kobayashi, Kiko Mizuhara, Kôtarô Koizumi & Takako Tokiwa on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Good Wife

Kyoko Hasumi (Takako Tokiwa) is a former lawyer who quit her job to become a housewife and a mother. Her husband is an elite prosecutor. He works as the leader of a special investigation department at the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office, but he is charged with corruption and gets arrested. A scandal with another woman is also revealed. Kyoko Hasumi's life as a "good wife" begins to change. To protect her children, she decides to work again as a lawyer. She is hired temporarily at a law office and begins to work as a lawyer for the first time in 16 years.

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Its air date is Sunday January 13, 2019

Production details

Creator *
Cast Kika Kobayashi, Kiko Mizuhara, Kôtarô Koizumi & Takako Tokiwa
Country of origin United States
First Air date 2019-01-13
Theme Adultery
Place setting Chicago
Location New York (state)