Watch The Code online

Can you stream the Drama tv show The Code, created by Craig Sweeny & Craig Turk & starring Anna Wood, Ato Essandoh, Luke Mitchell & Phillipa Soo on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: The Code

The military's brightest minds tackle the country's toughest legal challenges at the Marine Corps Base Quantico, where every attorney is trained as a prosecutor, a defense lawyer, an investigator, and a Marine. Working side-by-side, they serve their country with integrity while often putting aside ideals for the sake of the truth.

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Its air date is Tuesday April 9, 2019

Production details

Creator Craig Sweeny & Craig Turk
Cast Anna Wood, Ato Essandoh, Luke Mitchell & Phillipa Soo
Genre Drama
Country of origin U.S. & United States
First Air date 2019-04-09
Theme Lawyer & Marine
Place setting Los Angeles
Music Clinton Shorter
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