Watch Tokyo Ghoul online
Can you stream the Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama & Fantasy tv show Tokyo Ghoul, created by Shin Towada & starring Natsuki Hanae, Shintarou Asanuma, Sora Amamiya & Takahiro Sakurai on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Tokyo Ghoul
Ghouls are terrifying creatures which feed on human flesh. When Kaneki is almost killed in an attack, he transforms into a half-ghoul, half-human hybrid and is forced to adapt to their lifestyle in order to survive.
Its air date is Thursday July 3, 2014
All streaming services
Its air date is Thursday July 3, 2014
Production details
Creator | Shin Towada |
Cast | Natsuki Hanae, Shintarou Asanuma, Sora Amamiya & Takahiro Sakurai |
Genre | Action & Adventure, Animation, Drama & Fantasy |
First Air date | 2014-07-03 |
Theme | Anime, Based On Manga, Blood, Cannibalism, Dark Fantasy, Gore, High School & High School Love, Mythical creatures, Tokyo & Violence |
Runtime | 24 |
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