Watch 8MM online
Can you stream the Crime, Mystery & Thriller movie 8MM, directed by Joel Schumacher & starring Chris Bauer, James Gandolfini, Joaquin Phoenix & Nicolas Cage on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: 8MM
A private investigator is hired to discover if a "snuff film" is authentic or not.
TAGLINE: "You can't prepare for where the truth will take you." All streaming services available
Its release date is Friday February 26, 1999
Production details
Director | Joel Schumacher |
Cast | Chris Bauer, James Gandolfini, Joaquin Phoenix & Nicolas Cage |
Genre | Crime, Mystery & Thriller |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1999-02-26 |
Theme | Bdsm, Child Pornography, Loss Of Loved One, Porn Actor, Pornography, Private Detective, Private Investigator, Snuff Fiction & Subculture |
Location | California, Florida, Los Angeles & New York (state) |
Script | Andrew Kevin Walker |
Cinematography | Robert Elswit |
Music | Mychael Danna |
Costs | $40,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $96,618,699 |
Runtime | 123 min |