Watch Becoming Santa online
Can you stream the Comedy & Documentary movie Becoming Santa, directed by Jeff Myers & starring Jack Sanderson on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Becoming Santa
The story of one man entering the culture and character of Santa Claus for a single season. We follow Jack as he bleaches his hair and goes to Santa School. He tries to do everything that Santa is asked to do. He works as a sidewalk
Its release date is Saturday March 12, 2011
All streaming services available
Its release date is Saturday March 12, 2011
Production details
Director | Jeff Myers |
Cast | Jack Sanderson |
Genre | Comedy & Documentary |
Release date | 2011-03-12 |
Theme | Alcoholism |
Place setting | Chicago |
Location | Chicago & Montreal |
Script | Jack Sanderson |
Cinematography | Theo van de Sande |
Music | Lyle Workman |
Runtime | 97 min |
Homepage | Becoming Santa Homepage |