Watch Blankman online
Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Comedy movie Blankman, directed by Mike Binder & starring Christopher Lawford, Damon Wayans, David Alan Grier & Robin Givens on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Blankman
A simpleton inventor becomes a superhero with a bulletproof costume and a low budget.
Its release date is Friday August 19, 1994
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Its release date is Friday August 19, 1994
Production details
Director | Mike Binder |
Cast | Christopher Lawford, Damon Wayans, David Alan Grier & Robin Givens |
Genre | Action, Adventure & Comedy |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1994-08-19 |
Theme | Slapstick & Superhero |
Place setting | Chicago |
Location | Chicago |
Script | Damon Wayans (screenplay), Damon Wayans (story) & J.F. Lawton (screenplay) |
Cinematography | Newton Thomas Sigel |
Music | Michael Jay |
Runtime | 92 min |