Watch Charlie Chan in Castle in the Desert online
Can you stream the Crime, Horror & Mystery movie Charlie Chan in Castle in the Desert, directed by Harry Lachman & starring Arleen Whelan, Douglass Dumbrille, Richard Derr & Sidney Toler on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Charlie Chan in Castle in the Desert
Charlie Chan investigates apparent poisonings at a mystery mansion in the Mojave Desert.
TAGLINE: "Triple murder on a luxury line...Chan's best friend a victim!" All streaming services available
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Its release date is Monday February 2, 1942
Production details
Director | Harry Lachman |
Cast | Arleen Whelan, Douglass Dumbrille, Richard Derr & Sidney Toler |
Genre | Crime, Horror & Mystery |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 1942-02-02 |
Theme | Charlie Chan, Private Detective & Sequel |
Script | Earl Derr Biggers (character) & John Francis Larkin (original screenplay) |
Cinematography | Rudolph Maté & Virgil Miller |
Music | Emil Newman & Samuel Kaylin |
Runtime | 62 min |