Watch Daughters of Satan online

Can you stream the Horror movie Daughters of Satan, directed by Hollingsworth Morse & starring Barra Grant, Paraluman, Tani Guthrie & Tom Selleck on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Daughters of Satan

An antique dealer living in Manila falls victim to an ancient Satanic curse--the result of his wife joining a cult. Seeking help from a local historian, he disbands the coven and rescues her.

TAGLINE: "A secret cult of lust-craved witches torturing with fire and desire!"

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Its release date is Friday November 17, 1972

Production details

Director Hollingsworth Morse
Cast Barra Grant, Paraluman, Tani Guthrie & Tom Selleck
Genre Horror
Country of origin Philippines
Release date 1972-11-17
Theme Cult, Cults, Evil Witch, Philippines, Reincarnation, Witch & Witchcraft
Place setting Philippines
Location Manila
Script John A. Bushelman & John C. Higgins
Cinematography Nonong Rasca
Music Richard LaSalle
Runtime 90 min


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Daughters of Satan | Nov 17th, 1972

Daughters of Satan
4.4/10 | By Hollingsworth Morse
Philippines | Horror
Amazon Video Amazon Prime Video