Watch Don’t Come Back Alive online

Can you stream the Fantasy, Horror & Thriller movie Don’t Come Back Alive, directed by Néstor Sánchez Sotelo & starring Marco de la O, María Abadi, Melisa Garat & Ruby Vizcarra on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Don’t Come Back Alive

Camila is a young member of an elite police unit. During an operation in a dangerous area, she turns up in the middle of a ritual, in which their members burnt themselves to death. She suffers severe burns all over her body and go...

TAGLINE: "Fear is the supreme emotion."

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Its release date is Friday September 2, 2022

Production details

Director Néstor Sánchez Sotelo
Cast Marco de la O, María Abadi, Melisa Garat & Ruby Vizcarra
Genre Fantasy, Horror & Thriller
Country of origin Argentina
Release date 2022-09-02
Script Hernán Moyano
Runtime 85 min


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