Watch Eyes of an Angel online

Can you stream the Drama movie Eyes of an Angel, directed by Robert Harmon & starring Ellie Raab, John Travolta, Richard Edson & Tito Larriva on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Eyes of an Angel

John Travolta is a downtrodden single father raising his daughter under difficult circumstances in Chicago. The young girl comes upon and then nurses a wounded Doberman used for fighting, ...

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Its release date is Friday July 26, 1991

Production details

Director Robert Harmon
Cast Ellie Raab, John Travolta, Richard Edson & Tito Larriva
Genre Drama
Release date 1991-07-26
Theme Brother-in-law, California, Chicago, Usa, Cook, Daughter, Dogs, Father, Fiction Animal Cruelty, Protection & Psychology
Location California & Chicago
Script Robert Stitzel
Runtime 95 min


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Nowhere to Run
5.6/10 | By Robert Harmon
The United States | Action, Adventure & Drama
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