Watch Given online
Can you stream the Animation, Drama & Music movie Given, directed by Hikaru Yamaguchi & starring Masatomo Nakazawa, Shougo Yano, Takuya Eguchi & Yuuma Uchida on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Given
Its release date is Saturday May 16, 2020
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Saturday May 16, 2020
Production details
Director | Hikaru Yamaguchi |
Cast | Masatomo Nakazawa, Shougo Yano, Takuya Eguchi & Yuuma Uchida |
Genre | Animation, Drama & Music |
Country of origin | Japan |
Release date | 2020-05-16 |
Theme | Anime, Based On Manga, LGBT, Relationship, Shounen Ai & Slice Of Life |
Place setting | Deserts & Future |
Location | Budapest, Jordan, Norway & United Arab Emirates |
Script | Natsuki Kizu (manga) & Yuniko Ayana |
Runtime | N/A |
Homepage | Given Homepage |