Watch Kajeng Kliwon online

Can you stream the Horror movie Kajeng Kliwon, directed by Bambang Drias & starring Amanda Manopo, Atikah Suhaime, Christ Laurent & Vincent Andrianto on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Kajeng Kliwon

AGNI, a doctor and native Balinese prepares her wedding reception with her fiance, NICO. A beheading case is linked to a supernatural disturbance has befallen the troubled couple. A tale of love, jealousy and a mythical Bali Legend.

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Its release date is Thursday February 13, 2020

Production details

Director Bambang Drias
Cast Amanda Manopo, Atikah Suhaime, Christ Laurent & Vincent Andrianto
Genre Horror
Country of origin Indonesia
Release date 2020-02-13
Script Nicholas Raven & Nicholas Raven (Writer)
Runtime N/A
