Movies like Kajeng Kliwon to stream online
What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror movie Kajeng Kliwon with Amanda Manopo, Atikah Suhaime, Christ Laurent & Vincent Andrianto & created by Bambang Drias?
Movies like Kajeng Kliwon with the highest similarity score
Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Kajeng Kliwon?
AGNI, a doctor and native Balinese prepares her wedding reception with her fiance, NICO. A beheading case is linked to a supernatural disturbance has befallen the troubled couple. A tale of love, jealousy and a mythical Bali Legend.
Its release date is Thursday February 13, 2020
Its release date is Thursday February 13, 2020
What similar themes are we looking for?
Genre | Horror |
Country | Indonesia |
Director | Bambang Drias |
Starring | Amanda Manopo, Atikah Suhaime, Christ Laurent & Vincent Andrianto |
Written by | Nicholas Raven & Nicholas Raven (Writer) |
Runtime | N/A |