Watch Looking for Venera online

Can you stream the Drama movie Looking for Venera on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Looking for Venera

While Venera muses on the meaning of life, the film aims to express a sense of life’s absurdity; behind the rough facades, people are hiding a world of emotions – from humiliation to guilt and disillusionment. The film tries to taps into the provocative sexual appetites of the teenagers and touches on the random acts of bullying they have to deal with not only from their parents but also from their peers, vividly dramatizing their romance through unspoken moments; eye contact, a touch, a smile, as they try to anchor their lost souls. “I have never seen my parents kissing” – says Venera.

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Its release date is Monday February 1, 2021

Production details

Cast Basri Lushtaku, Erjona Kakeli, Kosovare Krasniqi & Rozafa Celaj
Genre Drama
Country of origin Kosovo
Release date 2021-02-01