Watch Mean Creek online
Can you stream the Crime & Drama movie Mean Creek, directed by Jacob Aaron Estes & Jacob Estes & starring Josh Peck, Rory Culkin, Scott Mechlowicz & Trevor Morgan on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Mean Creek
When a teen is bullied, his brother and friends lure the bully into the woods to seek revenge.
TAGLINE: "Beneath the surface, everyone has a secret." All streaming services available
Its release date is Thursday January 15, 2004
Production details
Director | Jacob Aaron Estes & Jacob Estes |
Cast | Josh Peck, Rory Culkin, Scott Mechlowicz & Trevor Morgan |
Genre | Crime & Drama |
Country of origin | The United States |
Release date | 2004-01-15 |
Theme | Alcohol, Birthday, Brother, Bullying, Dyslexia Fiction, Lake, Oregon, Party, Revenge, Secret & Suicide |
Place setting | Oregon |
Location | Oregon & Washington (state) |
Script | Jacob Estes |
Cinematography | Sharone Meir |
Music | Tomandandy |
Costs | $500,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $603,943 |
Runtime | 90 min |