Watch My Little Sister online

Can you stream the movie My Little Sister, directed by Stéphanie Chuat & Véronique Reymond & starring Jens Albinus, Lars Eidinger, Marthe Keller & Nina Hoss on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: My Little Sister

Lisa has bid goodbye to her ambitions as a playwright and the Berlin arts scene and now lives in Switzerland with her husband, who runs an international school. When her twin brother falls ill, she returns to Berlin.

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Its release date is Monday February 24, 2020

Production details

Director Stéphanie Chuat & Véronique Reymond
Cast Jens Albinus, Lars Eidinger, Marthe Keller & Nina Hoss
Country of origin Switzerland
Release date 2020-02-24
Script Stéphanie Chuat & Véronique Reymond
Runtime 99 min