Watch Rasmus and the Vagabond online
Can you stream the Adventure, Drama & Family movie Rasmus and the Vagabond, directed by Olle Hellbom & starring Allan Edwall, Erik Lindgren, Håkan Serner & Olof Bergström on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Rasmus and the Vagabond
Rasmus lives at an orphanage. He's OK, but wants a mom and a dad, and from time to time some comes to find a child, but they always chose little girls curls. Rasmus realizes he has to run away and find parents himself.
Its release date is Saturday December 12, 1981
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No streaming sources available just yetIts release date is Saturday December 12, 1981
Production details
Director | Olle Hellbom |
Cast | Allan Edwall, Erik Lindgren, Håkan Serner & Olof Bergström |
Genre | Adventure, Drama & Family |
Country of origin | Sweden |
Release date | 1981-12-12 |
Theme | Homeless Person |
Time setting | 1910 |
Script | Astrid Lindgren |
Music | Björn Isfält |
Runtime | 105 min |