Watch Sankofa online

Can you stream the Drama movie Sankofa, directed by Haile Gerima & starring Alexandra Duah, Kofi Ghanaba, Nick Medley & Oyafunmike Ogunlano on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sankofa

A self-absorbed Black American fashion model on a photo shoot in Africa is spiritually transported back to a plantation in the West Indies where she experiences first-hand the physical and psychic horrors of chattel slavery, and even

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Its release date is Friday May 28, 1993

Production details

Director Haile Gerima
Cast Alexandra Duah, Kofi Ghanaba, Nick Medley & Oyafunmike Ogunlano
Genre Drama
Country of origin Burkina Faso
Release date 1993-05-28
Theme Africa, American Slavery, Body Swapping, Freedom & Slavery
Place setting Ghana
Script Haile Gerima
Costs $1,000,000
Box Office Revenue $2,691,899
Runtime 125 min
Homepage Sankofa Homepage
