Watch Serving Sara online
Can you stream the Comedy & Romance movie Serving Sara, directed by Reginald Hudlin & starring Bruce Campbell, Elizabeth Hurley, Matthew Perry & Vincent Pastore on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Serving Sara
A process server tries to serve an elusive female target.
TAGLINE: "The One Thing That Could Bring Them Together Is Revenge." All streaming services available
Its release date is Tuesday August 20, 2002
Production details
Director | Reginald Hudlin |
Cast | Bruce Campbell, Elizabeth Hurley, Matthew Perry & Vincent Pastore |
Genre | Comedy & Romance |
Country of origin | Germany & The United States |
Release date | 2002-08-20 |
Theme | Divorce, Falling In Love, Pretty Woman, Wealth & Winery |
Place setting | Texas |
Location | Texas |
Script | David Ronn & Jay Scherick |
Cinematography | Robert Brinkmann |
Music | Marcus Miller |
Costs | $29,000,000 |
Box Office Revenue | $16,930,185 |
Runtime | 99 min |