Watch Sleepy Hollow online

Can you stream the Drama, Fantasy & Thriller movie Sleepy Hollow, directed by Tim Burton & starring Casper Van Dien, Christina Ricci, Ian McDiarmid & Johnny Depp on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: Sleepy Hollow

Ichabod Crane is sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate the decapitations of 3 people with the culprit being the legendary apparition, the Headless Horseman.

TAGLINE: "Heads will roll."

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Its release date is Thursday November 18, 1999

Production details

Director Tim Burton
Cast Casper Van Dien, Christina Ricci, Ian McDiarmid & Johnny Depp
Genre Drama, Fantasy & Thriller
Country of origin Germany & The United States
Release date 1999-11-18
Theme Cut-off Head, Head, Headless, Headless Horseman, Horseman, Sororicide Fiction & Witchcraft
Place setting Manhattan & Westchester County, New York
Time setting 1790s
Location England
Script Andrew Kevin Walker (screen story), Andrew Kevin Walker (screenplay), Kevin Yagher (screen story) & Washington Irving (story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow")
Cinematography Emmanuel Lubezki
Music Danny Elfman
Costs $100,000,000
Box Office Revenue $206,071,502
Runtime 105 min


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