Watch The Ice Harvest online

Can you stream the Action, Adventure & Comedy movie The Ice Harvest, directed by Harold Ramis & starring Bill Noble, Billy Bob Thornton, John Cusack & Lara Phillips on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Ice Harvest

A shady lawyer attempts a Christmas Eve crime, hoping to swindle the local mob out of some money. But his partner, a strip club owner, might have different plans for the cash.

TAGLINE: "Thick Thieves. Thin Ice."

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Its release date is Wednesday November 23, 2005

Production details

Director Harold Ramis
Cast Bill Noble, Billy Bob Thornton, John Cusack & Lara Phillips
Genre Action, Adventure & Comedy
Country of origin The United States
Release date 2005-11-23
Theme Betrayal, Crook, Escape, Gangster, Ice Storm, Murder, Strip Club & Stripper
Place setting Kansas
Location Illinois
Script Richard Russo (screenplay), Robert Benton (screenplay) & Scott Phillips (novel)
Cinematography Alar Kivilo
Music David Kitay
Runtime 92 min


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