Watch The Summer House online

Can you stream the Drama movie The Summer House, directed by Curtis Burz & Jordan Vogt-Roberts & starring Anna Altmann, Jaspar Fuld, Nina Spletstoßer & Sten Jacobs on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Summer House

A haunting portrait of a well-established German family living on the outskirts of Berlin in their ideal world, but are slowly shaken by external influences.

TAGLINE: "You want to look away, but you cannot."

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Its release date is Tuesday April 15, 2014

Production details

Director Curtis Burz & Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Cast Anna Altmann, Jaspar Fuld, Nina Spletstoßer & Sten Jacobs
Genre Drama
Country of origin Germany
Release date 2014-04-15
Theme Years
Place setting Ohio
Time setting 2014
Location Ohio
Script Curtis Burz
Cinematography Ross Riege
Music Ryan Miller (musician)
Runtime 95 min
