Watch The Willoughbys online

Can you stream the Animation, Comedy & Family movie The Willoughbys, directed by Cory Evans, Kris Pearn & Rob Lodermeier(co-director) & starring Alessia Cara, Maya Rudolph, Ricky Gervais, Seán Cullen, Terry Crews & Will Forte on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?

Streaming Guide: The Willoughbys

Convinced they'd be better off raising themselves, the Willoughby children hatch a sneaky plan to send their selfish parents on vacation. The siblings then embark on their own high-flying adventure to find the true meaning of family.

TAGLINE: "A family story for anyone who ever wanted to get away from their family"

All streaming services available

Its release date is Wednesday April 22, 2020

Production details

Director Cory Evans, Kris Pearn & Rob Lodermeier(co-director)
Cast Alessia Cara, Maya Rudolph, Ricky Gervais, Seán Cullen, Terry Crews & Will Forte
Genre Animation, Comedy & Family
Country of origin Canada
Release date 2020-04-22
Theme Anime
Location British Columbia
Script Kris Pearn, Kris Pearn (screenplay by), Kris Pearn (story by), Lois Lowry (based on the book by), Lois Lowry (book), Mark Stanleigh (screenplay by) & Priscilla Parizeau (Story coordinator)
Runtime 90 min
Homepage The Willoughbys Homepage


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