Watch Twin Sisters online
Can you stream the Drama, History & Romance movie Twin Sisters, directed by Ben Sombogaart & starring Julia Koopmans, Nadja Uhl, Sina Richardt & Thekla Reuten on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime?
Streaming Guide: Twin Sisters
Twin Sisters is an epic love story based on the Dutch bestseller by Tessa de Loo that has been read by more than 3.5 million readers in Holland and Germany.
Its release date is Wednesday December 11, 2002
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Its release date is Wednesday December 11, 2002
Production details
Director | Ben Sombogaart |
Cast | Julia Koopmans, Nadja Uhl, Sina Richardt & Thekla Reuten |
Genre | Drama, History & Romance |
Country of origin | Luxembourg & The Netherlands |
Release date | 2002-12-11 |
Theme | based on novel, Epic, New Love & Twin Sisters |
Place setting | Germany & Netherlands |
Time setting | 1940s |
Location | Amsterdam, Belgium & Luxembourg |
Script | Marieke van der Pol (screenplay) & Tessa de Loo (novel) |
Music | Fons Merkies |
Runtime | 137 min |