Movies like 15 Minutes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Action, Crime & Thriller movie 15 Minutes with Charlize Theron, Edward Burns, Kelsey Grammer & Robert De Niro & created by John Herzfeld?

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A homicide detective and a fire marshal must stop a pair of murderers who commit videotaped crimes to become media darlings.

TAGLINE: "America Likes to Watch"

Its release date is Thursday March 1, 2001

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Topic Airport, Detective, Firefighting, New York, Paranoia, Prison, Prisoner, Russian, Television & Video
Genre Action, Crime & Thriller
Country Germany & The United States
Director John Herzfeld
Starring Charlize Theron, Edward Burns, Kelsey Grammer & Robert De Niro
Place New York City
Location New York City
Written by John Herzfeld
Cinematography Jean Yves Escoffier
Music Anthony Marinelli
Runtime 120 min

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