Movies like 1922 to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Crime, Drama & Horror movie 1922 with Dylan Schmid, Molly Parker, Neal McDonough & Thomas Jane & created by Zak Hilditch?

Movies like 1922 with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 1922?

A simple yet proud farmer in the year 1922 conspires to murder his wife for financial gain, convincing his teenage son to participate.
Its release date is Friday October 20, 2017

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic based on novel, Greed, Hallucination, Haunted House, Murder, parent child relationship, Ranch & Secret
Genre Crime, Drama & Horror
Country The United States
Director Zak Hilditch
Starring Dylan Schmid, Molly Parker, Neal McDonough & Thomas Jane
Place Nebraska
Location Vancouver
Written by Stephen King (novel) & Zak Hilditch (screenplay)
Cinematography Ben Richardson
Music Mike Patton
Runtime 102 min

Other Crime movies written by Stephen King (novel)

The Green Mile | Dec 10th, 1999

The Green Mile
8.5/10 | By Frank Darabont
The United States | Crime, Drama & Fantasy
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Stand By Me | Aug 8th, 1986

Stand By Me
8.1/10 | By Rob Reiner
The United States | Coming of age, Crime & Drama
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