Movies like 66 Scenes from America to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie 66 Scenes from America with Andy Warhol & Kim Larsen & created by Jørgen Leth?

Movies like 66 Scenes from America with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of 66 Scenes from America?

As a visual narrative 66 scener fra America is reminiscent of a pile of postcards from a journey, which indeed is what the film is. It consists of a series of lengthy shots of a tableau ...
Its release date is Saturday March 27, 1982

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Cannibalism Fiction, Horses, Religion & Witchcraft
Genre Documentary
Country Denmark
Director Jørgen Leth
Starring Andy Warhol & Kim Larsen
Place Colonial Australia, Country, European Country, Hyborian Age & Victoria (Australia)
Location Surrey
Written by Ole John
Cinematography Duke Callaghan & Keith Wagstaff
Music Basil Poledouris & Bruce Rowland
Runtime 42 min