Movies like A Man Vanishes to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary & Drama movie A Man Vanishes with Shigeru Tsuyuguchi, Shōhei Imamura & Yoshie Hayakawa & created by Shôhei Imamura?

Movies like A Man Vanishes with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Man Vanishes?

Plastics salesman Oshima disappeared without a word to anyone, and has been missing for two years. Shohei Imamura and his crew follow Oshima's fiancé Yoshie and actor Shigeru Tsuyuguchi as they investigate the disappearance.
Its release date is Saturday July 8, 1967

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Interview, Salesman & Village
Genre Documentary & Drama
Country Japan
Director Shôhei Imamura
Starring Shigeru Tsuyuguchi, Shōhei Imamura & Yoshie Hayakawa
Written by N/A
Cinematography Kenji Ishiguro
Music Toshiro Mayuzumi
Runtime 130 min

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