Movies like A Taste of Summer to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the movie A Taste of Summer with Alison Araya, Eric Winter, Gracyn Shinyei & Roselyn Sánchez?

Movies like A Taste of Summer with the highest similarity score

Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of A Taste of Summer?

Gabby Ferrar moves to the town of Bright Shore, Massachusetts to open a restaurant after a stint as a sous chef in New York. Upon arrival, she encounters Caleb Delaney, a single father who runs his own restaurant and coaches the girls’ softball team. Both restaurants will compete in the Taste of Summer Food Festival hosted in Bright Shore. During the course of the summer, Gabby finds joy in running her own restaurant as she rediscovers her passion and gets to know Caleb.
Its release date is Saturday August 10, 2019

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Starring Alison Araya, Eric Winter, Gracyn Shinyei & Roselyn Sánchez
Location Atlanta