Movies like Ablaze to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary movie Ablaze with Bill Onus, Jack Charles & Tiriki Onus?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Ablaze?

A feature documentary about opera singer Tiriki Onus who finds a 70-year-old silent film believed to be made by his grandfather, Aboriginal leader and filmmaker Bill Onus. As Tiriki travels across the continent and pieces together clues to the film’s origins, he discovers more about Bill, his fight for Aboriginal rights and the price he paid for speaking out.
Its release date is Thursday August 6, 2020

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Topic Aboriginal, Civil Rights Activist, Illegal Drug Trade, Indigenous Australians, Kidnapping India & Organised Crime India
Genre Documentary
Country Australia
Starring Bill Onus, Jack Charles & Tiriki Onus
Place Assam, Delhi, Dubai & Mumbai