Movies like Alfie to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Comedy movie Alfie with Jane Krakowski, Jude Law, Marisa Tomei & Omar Epps & created by Charles Shyer & Lewis Gilbert?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Alfie?

A cockney womanizer learns the hard way about the dangers of his actions.

TAGLINE: "Meet a man who never met a woman he didn't love."

Its release date is Friday October 22, 2004

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Abortion, Adultery, Casual Sex, Cheating, Flirt, Lover, Narcissism, New York, Older Woman Seduces Younger Guy & Playboy
Genre Comedy
Country The United States & United Kingdom
Director Charles Shyer & Lewis Gilbert
Starring Jane Krakowski, Jude Law, Marisa Tomei & Omar Epps
Place London & New York City
Location England, London & New York City
Written by Bill Naughton (earlier screenplay), Bill Naughton (play), Charles Shyer (screenplay) & Elaine Pope (screenplay)
Cinematography Ashley Rowe & Otto Heller
Music John Powell (composer) & Sonny Rollins
Runtime 103 min

Other Comedy movies by Charles Shyer

Baby Boom | Sep 17th, 1987

Baby Boom
6.2/10 | By Charles Shyer
United States of America | Comedy, Family & Romance
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I Love Trouble | Jun 29th, 1994

I Love Trouble
5.2/10 | By Charles Shyer
The United States | Action, Comedy & Romance
Amazon Video Google Play Amazon Prime Video Vudu Microsoft YouTube iTunes