Movies like Amber Alert to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Amber Alert with Caleb Thompson, Chris Hill, Jasen Wade & Summer Bellessa & created by Kerry Bellessa?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Amber Alert?

When a group of friends decides to follow a car they've seen posted on an Amber Alert, things start to go very wrong.

TAGLINE: "You are her last hope."

Its release date is Friday November 2, 2012

What similar themes are we looking for?

Topic Child, Child Kidnapping, Found Footage & Highway
Genre Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Country United States of America
Director Kerry Bellessa
Starring Caleb Thompson, Chris Hill, Jasen Wade & Summer Bellessa
Written by Joshua Oram & Kerry Bellessa
Runtime 80 min