Movies like Angel Heart to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Horror, Mystery & Thriller movie Angel Heart with Charlotte Rampling, Lisa Bonet, Mickey Rourke & Robert De Niro & created by Alan Parker?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Angel Heart?

A private investigator is hired by a man who calls himself Louis Cyphre to track down a singer named Johnny Favorite. But the investigation takes an unexpected and somber turn.

TAGLINE: "Harry Angel has been hired in search for the truth. Pray he doesn't find it."

Its release date is Friday March 6, 1987

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Topic Amnesia, Drug Addiction, Fan, Heart, Louisiana Voodoo Fiction, Neurosis, New Orleans, Sanatorium, Southern Usa, The Devil Fiction & Voodoo
Genre Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Country The United States
Director Alan Parker
Starring Charlotte Rampling, Lisa Bonet, Mickey Rourke & Robert De Niro
Place New Orleans & New York City
Location New Orleans
Written by Alan Parker (screenplay) & William Hjortsberg (novel)
Cinematography Michael Seresin
Music Trevor Jones (composer)
Runtime 113 min