Movies like Bad Timing to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Drama, Mystery & Thriller movie Bad Timing with Art Garfunkel, Denholm Elliott, Harvey Keitel & Theresa Russell & created by Nicolas Roeg?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bad Timing?

A psychiatrist, living in Vienna, enters a torrid relationship with a married woman. When she ends up in the hospital from an overdose, an Inspector becomes set on discovering the demise of their affair.

TAGLINE: "His terrifying obsession took them to the brink of death and beyond."

Its release date is Sunday March 2, 1980

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Topic Cult Film, Extramarital Affair, Inspector, Love, Obsession, Overdose, Psychiatrist & Vienna Austria
Genre Drama, Mystery & Thriller
Country United Kingdom
Director Nicolas Roeg
Starring Art Garfunkel, Denholm Elliott, Harvey Keitel & Theresa Russell
Place Vienna
Location London, Morocco, New York City & Vienna
Written by Yale Udoff (screenplay)
Cinematography Anthony B. Richmond
Music Richard Hartley
Runtime 123 min

Other Drama movies by Nicolas Roeg

Castaway | Mar 5th, 1986

8.1/10 | By Hae-jun Lee & Nicolas Roeg
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The Witches | Feb 22nd, 1967

The Witches
6.1/10 | By Franco Rossi, Luchino Visconti, Mauro Bolognini, Nicolas Roeg, Pier Paolo Pasolini & Vittorio De Sica
France & Italy | Comedy, Drama & Romance
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