Movies like Bastille ReOrchestrated to stream online

What Similar Movies are streaming online like the Documentary & Music movie Bastille ReOrchestrated with Chris Wood, Dan Smith, Kyle Simmons & Will Farquarson?

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Similar Movie Guide: can't get enough of Bastille ReOrchestrated?

A bracingly honest new documentary sourced from hundreds of hours of unseen archive and all-new conversations captured during the pandemic, the film features open and frank insights from each band member plus collaborators inextricably linked to the group’s orchestral adventures. Alongside dramatic re-interpretations of their hit songs, ReOrchestrated charts the very beginning of the band’s foundations all the way through the highs and lows of their three albums to date, via landmark, full orchestra appearances at Royal Albert Hall, Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and The London Palladium, not to mention the inevitable tensions encountered en route.
Its release date is Wednesday February 10, 2021

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Topic Bastille & Music Documentary
Genre Documentary & Music
Starring Chris Wood, Dan Smith, Kyle Simmons & Will Farquarson